Want to Get Organized?
Revolutionize the way you catalog your collection. Automate the scanning, identification, and valuation of your Magic: The Gathering and other collectible cards. Spend less time organizing and more time enjoying today.

CS100 GEN2 is Available Now!
The 2nd Generation has officially launched! Get yours today!
Our Mission
Learn More-
Compact and Low-Cost
In order for our solution to be feasible for average players and collectors we needed it to be both compact and affordable. The CS100 is only slightly larger than an Ultra Pro tower deck box making it both lightweight and portable.
Automated Archivist
The CS100 is designed to automate the collection scanning process. We want everyone to be able to quickly import their collection with any of the readily available tools on the market. Whether you are scanning a large collection or your latest haul, it will be burden free.
Find Hidden Gems!
With the automated process users can now find lost treasures! Have a bulk bin sitting in the closet? Not sure if there is anything valuable in there? Find out today!